Thursday, December 1, 2011

Photographing Products

For my photograph, I wanted to replicate the type of image that a company would use to advertise a product. I looked at images of products to get an idea of what companies wanted the viewer to focus on, and noticed that the products themselves are shown in clear light, and that they are presented with an unobstructed view.

I chose to recreate a cereal ad after taking photographs of various products. I chose cereal because the box photographed well and had vivid colors.

The most challenging part of taking my photograph was getting it to look professional. I read the article, “Photography Changes How we Shop,” and was reminded of the point the author makes concerning objects in photographs vs. the objects in reality. The author states that the objects in reality rarely appear like they do in the image. I understood this point more once I took my photograph, as the image made the cereal look much more appetizing than it does in reality. The cereal box stands out very clearly and the colors are bright. The color was made brighter by adding effects. I was reminded of how easy it is to make a product appear better than it does in reality.

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