Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I enjoyed learning about Baldessari's work and his desire to bridge the gap between photography and other art forms. I thought it was very creative to mix the art forms (photography and canvas/painting), by using the liquid emulsion process. Does this make his work painting or does it still remain as photography? I don't think it is necessary to call it one or the toher because it is a combination of two different art forms. If a name was to needed to grant acceptance of Baldessari's different ideas it should get a new title such as paintogrophy or something of that nature. Baldessari mentions the title he has received for his work as "anti-painting" which leads one to believe he would not want his new art form to be considered painting because it is more than just that. One artist from the text that reminds me of Baldessari is Lady Filmer. She had a different idea than Baldessari and would paint color into photography. Another artist that crossed the boundary of painting and photography as two art forms is Julia Margaret Cameron, who slightly blurred many of her photographs to make them appear more like a painting. These images feel more raw and natural with more intent from the artist like many paintings of the time. Many artists have crossed the boundaries of photography and painting as two separate art forms and should continue to push and break the boundaries that are set today.

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